Bolivia 2022

Mission Goals

Team Dental treated 235 patients during in Bolivia. Cases included complex oral surgery, wisdom teeth extractions, root canals, pediatric dental care and cleanings and restorations to help with both function and aesthetics.

One of the highlights of the trip was a man named Nelson who suffered from rampant decay and infections, but could not be treated by local doctors given his medical history of severe epilepsy. The team restored Nelson's smile completely over the course of a few days with root canal procedures and wisdom teeth extractions. "The gratitude on Nelson’s face and smile was priceless," team leader Nilesh Patel said.


Team members

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Mission details

A total of 11 Team Dental members went to Tarija, Bolivia during the trip, including two general dentists, one pediatric dentist, one hygienist, three dental students and four dental and administrative assistants.

The trip included many patients who came from poor communities with limited access to quality dental care given both financial and logistical barriers. In addition to treating patients, the team was able to teach local doctors some of the latest techniques in dentistry.

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